Lights, Camera, Ready! A Proposal Stage Production

You know we keep talking about creating that memorable proposal she will talk about forever and ever. Well, you just might be the one talking about it, too! The other day I stopped at my bank and met with the bank manager to open an account. We went back and forth about careers and family. And the conversation turned to how we met our spouses. He just couldn’t hold back. I got the story about how he proposed to his wife.

They met in high school when both were in the musical “Bye Bye Birdie.” They were dance partners and as he romantically put it, “have been dancing through life ever since.”

After dating through college and talking about marriage, the time came for him to plan the big proposal. He contacted the drama advisor at the high school and the plans began. He set the date. He was flanked by his best friend (soon to be best man) with video camera in hand. He invited both sets of parents. All were to meet in the school auditorium.

He took his girl for a ride and blindfolded her for “the surprise of her life.”  She had no idea where they stopped. It was the school parking lot. He walked her in, seated her on the stage, flipped on the stage lights, a familiar tune started to play and he started to sing “Rosie” from the musical as he took her blindfold off. Then he got down on one knee and popped the big question. Tears flowed in all directions.

It was an award winning production!

Photo courtesy of Deidre Lynn Photography

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