What To Do If Your Proposal Goes Wrong

There’s always that horrific chance that the person you propose to will politely (or not so politely) decline your proposal. In the slight chance that this does happen to you here are a few ways to get out of the awkward situation.

If he or she declines when you’re on your knee, get up immediately. Being on your knee will draw attention to you if you’re in a public place because people love watching proposals and you want to take away as much embarrassment as you can.

One way you could go about it would be to shake it off like a joke, if you don’t propose with a ring this is easier to do. You can say, haha got you, and act like it was all a trick. Be careful with this tactic because if the girl is emotional you don’t want to make her angry, make sure the person you do this too has a good sense of humor otherwise this might be the end of your relationship.

Another way to handle this situation would be to talk about it with your boyfriend/girlfriend. There is always an explanation to their answer. They might have just gotten cold feet and were scared. If you talk it through you will get an explanation and your feelings might not be as hurt after hearing it. If you do talk about it and your boyfriend/girlfriend says they never want to get married you should think about what you want in your future. Is this a relationship you want to invest your time into if it’s never going to go to the next step of marriage?

Just because she says no once, don’t feel like you’re never going to get married. There are plenty of girls that would accept your proposal, you just have to find them.

Photo courtesy of Weddingbycolor.com

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